School Referral
AQA Unit Awards Partnership Delivery
When the home school is a registered AQA centre, the team at Eastern Outreach can also work in partnership to deliver AQA Unit Awards. These provide a unique solution to enable learner achievement. Its ‘can do’ approach is used to boost learner confidence, engagement and motivation and are available in a wide range of subjects.
NB: To deliver this option the Eastern Outreach tutor will need to be added to the home school’s AQA centre delivery data. The unit award will be delivered and marked by Eastern Outreach staff, however learner registration, internal verification (IV), external verification (EV) and the claiming of certificates will need to be completed by the home school.
Eastern Outreach is able to provide classroom respite with fractional placements to support learning and progression outside of the school environment. Working in partnership with the home school, our team will deliver your teaching and learning resources to the child or young person in a 1:1 session, aiding understanding and progression and boosting confidence and self esteem.
Local Authority Referral
Eastern Outreach is able to provide tutoring, mentoring or catch up support for young people refusing to engage with mainstream education or have been excluded from school. Our experienced education practitioners will conduct an initial assessment to establish current working levels and then support children and young people with literacy, numeracy and other key subject areas.
Eastern Outreach is an approved centre to deliver ASDAN Lifeskills Challenges and will work with the child or young person to achieve these bitesize certificates as part of our offer.
Our experienced team can support activities and tasks set on Google Classroom and provide intensive support in key areas where the child or young person struggles to stay focused in a mainstream classroom setting.