Post 16 Transition
Moving on from Year 11 can be an anxious time for young people. New places, new faces and lots of new thoughts and feelings can feel overwhelming. This transition into College, Sixth Form or an Apprenticeship can be even more challenging for a young person who has been out of mainstream education for some time.
We know young people who experience a supported transition throughout year 11 are far more likely to succeed and achieve in their new post 16 education setting. This vital service can help ease anxiety, build confidence and allow the young person to become accustomed to the new setting at their own pace.
Typical Eastern Outreach Post 16 Transition Activities:
● Helping young people understand post 16 choices open to them
● Completing online applications with a young person
● Helping the young person to get to know the College/ Sixth Form sites
● Accompanying and supporting a young person at College/ Sixth Form Open Events
● Undertaking regular, step by step familiarisation trips with the young person.
● Familiarisation with travel routes.
● Meeting key teaching and support staff at the new education provider.
● Liaison with Learning Support services if appropriate ( learners with EHCPs)
● Continued Eastern Outreach mentor support throughout the first half term ( Sept - Oct half term - or longer if required)
How it Works
● Transition support is delivered in 2 hourly blocks ( unless bespoke agreement is in place)
● Dedicated Transition Mentor is allocated to the young person
● Initial visits will take place in the home ( with an another adult present) or in a community space like a cafe or library.
● Familiarisation trips and contact with the College/Sixth Form/Training Provider will be organised and facilitated by Eastern Outreach.
For more information how Eastern Outreach can support your young person progress to and succeed in a post 16 education setting contact